I'm a Ruby committer, mostly focusing on general bug fixing.
I'm an owner and currently maintain the following gems, all of which have 100% line/branch coverage, and active CI testing using GitHub Actions:
I'm an owner of the following ruby organization gems:
- webrick
- fileutils
- date
- zlib
- tk
I'm the owner of the following gems, but these gems are no longer maintained and are now archived:
- home_run
- scaffolding_extensions
- minitest-shared_description
- ruby-style
- jeremyevans-exception_notification
- rack-indifferent
- third_base
- scgi
- tilt-rails_erb
- evilr
- tilt-indirect
- sequel_validation_helpers_block
- rack-deadline
- faster_html_escape
- zozo
- roda-rails
- string-crypt
I'm the owner of the following gems, but these have been merged into other gems or renamed:
- hanna-nouveau: renamed to hanna
- sequel_core: merged into sequel
- sequel_model: merged into sequel
- tame: renamed to pledge after change in OpenBSD function name
- jeremyevans-postgres-pr: renamed to sequel-postgres-pr
- tilt-pipeline: merged into tilt